Monday, March 23, 2009

Up in the Eagle's Nest

Great White Dispatch
Notes From Damn Near Canada
No. 21

If you stand at end of our driveway (which doubles as a public road) looking across the 'main' road, you see a marshy area that leads to the Mississippi. In the winter, the scene looks positively apocalyptic. All the vegetation is dead and brown, long-gone trees are offset against the gray sky, and the stream that connects the river with the lake/pond thing across the street overflows with snowmelt and mashes down any plant that actually had a chance at living. When the water recedes it looks like one of the future scenes from a Terminator movie.

The good thing about the marsh is that all the water attracts plenty of animals and birds (and likely, mosquitoes. Hip hip.). Poking around yesterday, we saw plenty of beaver evidence. It's now my goal to get some quality beaver pictures. There's also a large eagle's nest swaying away in one of the dead trees. You get a decent view of the nest right before you turn into our driveway, but last week, there was a white head poking out. Further investigation:

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