Great White Dispatch 2
One week into our Minnesota adventure (Of course, is it really an adventure if it’s permanent?) and Real Life is about to come barreling in. I have a job interview in the morning, right about the same time that our stuff will be arriving. By tomorrow night, there’s a decent chance that I’ll be gainfully employed, and a 100 percent chance that all of life’s little distractions will have finally caught back up with us. My Big Goddamn TV, all our DVDs, video games, books, clothes, and everything else will be here, filling spaces both literally and metaphorically.
In a way, even though we’ve been crazy-ass busy- running around, buying things we need to fill out this big house and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning- the weird minimalist way we’ve been living has been more relaxing than any vacation. The fact that I haven’t seen television in over a week (and haven’t really missed it) boils my mind. Our house has been filled with nothing but ourselves, the dogs, three changes of clothes (or so), the laptop, a single Ipod with speaker dock (essential), a few books, a crappy camera, a coffee pot, cereal, two quilts to sleep upon, and three flashlights (because it is DARK up here), and my guns (because it is DARK up here).
I almost wish our stuff would never show up. I like the way sounds bounce around the empty house, the way the dogs tear ass running constantly from room to room (because there’s room, they’re dogs, and hey, why the hell not?), the way we can hear every last cricket and bat and bird because, hey, what else is there to do but listen?
I envy you. It made me physically ill knowing that I'm going back to work tomorrow. I honestly couldn't leave the house because I was sick to my stomach.
Also, the title of your blog makes me think of the screams of 100 heshers melting in a Rhode Island club.
what's the interview for?
Once bitten, twice shy...
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