Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Darkness, take my hand

Great White Dispatch
Notes from Damn Near Canada
No. 4


This house is kind of scary.

In the daytime, it’s very pleasant. Lots of natural light due to the big windows, a ton of room to maneuver due to the fact that we really don’t have enough furniture to fill the place.

But at night…different story. Those windows lead to the outside, which is where the Dark is. Where the Animals are. All this extra room on the inside? At night just places for things to hide.

Seriously. We’ve only been here three weeks, and I can’t maneuver the house just by instinct yet. The light switches are never where you think they are. And brother, this place is dark at night. I never thought I’d miss the warm glow of the Wal-Mart three streets over.

This is going to sound awfully city slicker of me, considering I grew up in Vernon, Ohio, but waking up at 3am and walking half-nekkid to the kitchen for a drink and hearing a sudden coyote howl? Right outside? Like, not ten feet on the other side of the giant picture window in the kitchen? That, my friends, will scare the shit out of you.

And having an asshole bat get into the house at two in the morning doesn’t really put you at ease.

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